Monday, November 11, 2013


i am trying, truly, to recreate the manner in which i live my life when nothing is happening. it is hard, though, when i have so much to live up to - my personality is so big, so seemingly unchallenged by the petty and the asinine and the impertinent. i am strong, and i try to come at the world with an inexorable, passionate force that cannot be tampered with by anyone.

but, in my relentlessness, i am inflexible. instead of bending, i break. this time, i've broken.

i should have known better. i should have known better than to let myself become so comfortable there. i should have known better than to feel loved and love in return to all the people there. i should have known better than to think that they were my friends, ultimately, who loved me and wanted what was best for me.

right now, i am hurt. i am more than hurt - i am heartbroken. here, i sit in class as i write this, with an ache in my chest and tears in my eyes. i don't want to eat. i don't want to go to my classes. i just want to sleep. i just want to cry. i want to lie down in my bed and wrap myself in my blankets because sorrow is bone-chilling when it wraps around your insides and paralyzing when it moves in like it's there to stay.

i thought that, upon some self-reflection, i might be able to see myself from another perspective. i have analyzed all of my actions over the past month trying to find a reason to feel so hated. the thing is - i can't. i cannot find a single thing that i have done that i would do differently. i have worked hard at my job. i have been fair at my job. i have treated my boyfriend like my manager when it was appropriate and i have treated everyone with respect. i did not deserve this.

and that's what makes it hurt more.

i don't want to work anymore. i don't want to be in college anymore. i don't ever want to talk to any of them again.

(i know it's dramatic. i'll be over it soon enough.)
(i just can't help it right now.)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

You shouldn't be friends with your co-workers and you definitely shouldn't date one of them.
People will always find a way to spoil your good mood.