Friday, December 28, 2012

Second Date Reflections.

I just want to be with him, okay?

Today, I went to your house, and we sat down on the bed in your room. You looked at your television, and you looked at me, and you asked, "Doctor Who?" like it was a real question with more than one possible answer. So we watched the Doctor and Rose fight Cybermen in Pete's universe. I scooted closer to you and  and you laced your fingers with mine, and I buried my head into your chest because I wanted to find every possible way to be closer to you.

You cupped my face with your hands and you kissed me again and again and again. Later on, you wrapped your arms around me and you apologized for being such a coward and not asking me out sooner.

None of that matters. What matters to me now is that I spent eight hours with you today and all I can think about is I want to drive myself back to your house and kiss you again. You are so warm and wonderful. You kissed me on the forehead and watched my favorite television show. You kissed me on the cheek and we watched yours. You kissed me on the lips and we completely ignored at least two hours worth the programming. Background noise, as you put it. I want to spend countless days like we did today where I get lost in your eyes and your laugh and your lips.

I hope I see you again tomorrow like we planned.

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